Request a hold to request a book that is on loan to another customer.View any outstanding money owed to the Library and make payments online.Check that items you have returned match your return receipt and your current borrowing record.This happens when another customer wishes to borrow a book you have on loan

Check for any recalls by another customer.Review your borrowing (items on loan) due dates.You should check ‘ My Library Account’ regularly to: At anytime on Campus, including in the Library, you may be asked by a member of staff to show your University Card. Your University card is issued to you personally and should never be given to, or used by, anyone else. You will need your University card to scan in and out of the Library and to borrow items. Your University Card is also your Library card. *If you have fines of $30 or more in your library account, your borrowing privileges are automatically suspended and you will not be able to register for classes, graduate, or receive marks and transcripts.All Registered staff and students of the University of Warwick automatically have a Library Account set up using their University ID. Report lost or damaged items right away to avoid additional late fines. If the lost item has been recalled by another borrower and has accrued late fines you will be responsible for these late fines as well. Please note that if an item is overdue for more than 30 days, it is considered lost and you will recieve a bill for replacement. Lost, damaged, or missing items - If you lose or damage library materials you are responsible for the cost of replacing the item.Interlibrary loans - Late ILL items accrue fines at a rate of $5 per day up to a maximum of $100 per item.Reserve items must be returned to the same location they were borrowed from. Reserves - Late reserve items will accrue fines at a rate of $2 per hour up to a maximum of $100 per item.Renewals are unavailable for items that have been recalled. Recalled items returned after their due date will accrue late fines at a rate of $2 per day up to a maximum of $50 per item. If you have questions about items you have borrowed that have been recalled, please Ask Us. If your original due date is more than 7 days away, a new due date will be assigned to the items included in the email. If your original due date is less than 7 days away, you must return them by the original due date. Recalled items – if an item is recalled by another library user through the "Request Item for Pickup" button, a recall notice will be sent to your USask email address.There are a few types of materials that will result in fines if they are returned late: You are still expected to return items on time so we can make sure everyone has access to the resources they need. The University Library has eliminated late fines for most library items. University Library Learning Commons, College of Engineering.Leslie and Irene Dubé Health Sciences Library.Distance and Distributed Library Services.